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Town Size 0: Gas Station Town

A real-life example of a gas station town's gas station, Anslie's, in Crooked Creek, GA.

This place only has a few businesses, but the main money-maker here is the gas station. It's not your average gas station though. It's not a Shell, a BP, a Chevron, or even a Citgo. As a matter of fact, not even the locals know what kind of gas it is because they have been calling this place Gerry's all these years.



A real-life example of a gas station town's bar, Elmo's Red Bar & Grill in Crooked Creek, GA.

This place is typically the refuge of local drunks, but this place has some of the best food you've ever tasted in your life.


We can't talk about gas station towns without mentioning the potholes! There are so many here that locals have conjured up rumors about them. The most popular one is that each pothole is a portal to hell, and that if you drive over one, you've pretty much sold your soul to the devil himself.

The devil will claim the souls of anyone who dare drive over a pothole!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!